Based in Sydney, New South Wales (Gadigal Country)
- 5' 3½"
- 30½"
- 25"
- 36½"
- 7
- 6-8 AU
- S
- A
- Dark Brown
- Green-Grey
Hi there! My name is Natasha. My parents emigrated from Sri Lanka over 30 years ago and I was born
here in Sydney. I work as a registered nurse and in my spare time I love to draw and paint.
It was always my dream to become a model, but with lack of representation and measurement
requirements, I was highly discouraged and didn’t fit their criteria’s. I had been freelance modelling in
my spare time and eventually decided to try my hand at applying for agencies when I came across
Everi-body matches my values and therefore gives me the opportunity to be the representation that I
lacked as a young girl. I am so excited to see what the future holds and to be able to represent my Sri
Lankan community.